I chose this question for the class because I thought it really made one ponder about how society can change so drastically in such a short time period. It's very fascinating; on one hand society deeply shapes how we can interact with others and can even affect how we perceive ourselves, while on the other hand a single person's attitudes and actions can affect others and eventually change and shape society as a whole.

On page 71, paragraph 6, it reads, "Times came when she fought back with her tongue as best she could, but it didn't do her any good. It just made Joe do more. He wanted her submission and he'd keep on fighting until he felt he had it."

Throughout the novel so far, both of Janie's husbands have belittled, insulted, and physically abused, and have tried to control Janie physically and emotionally. Joe even comments on pages 74 and 75 that women are like "cows or chickens" and that they can't think on their own. Also, in both marriages, Janie feels deceived when her husbands promise her things and sweet talk her before they're married; and afterwards they put her to hard work and try to make a mindless-puppet and, in some cases, a punching bag out of her.

Question: Do you believe that the institution of marriage (or the goal or
what goes on in marriage) has changed since the time being portrayed in this book? If so, what do you think has caused these changes?

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    Blogs to Remember


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Avril 2013

